Adjusting the speakers (baiance/fade), Findirtg a pty station (rds, xm™ and dab) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Adjusting the Speakers (Baiance/Fade)

AUDIO: To adjusi the balance to ihe right and ihe
left speakers, push and release tha AUPlO Jiriqb unhl
BAL appears on the display, Turn the hnob< to move Ihe
sound toward Ihe right or ttie ieh speakers.

To sdjusi the fade to the from and ihe rear speakers^

push and release the AUDIO knob untel FADE appears

on iho display. Turn the knob to rnove the sound

toward the Iront or the rear speakers.

To adjust the balance and fade to the mfddte position,

push the AUDIO knob then push it again and hold It until
tha radio produces one bsep. The batance and lade

vuiki he adjusled to the middle position and the display
wifi show Ihe speaker balartce.

To adjust all tone and speaker controls to the middle

position, push and hold ihe AUDIO knob when no tone

or speaker control is displayed. The radio wili produce

□ne baep and display ALL with the level display in
Ihe middle position.

Findirtg a PTY Station (RDS, XM™

and DAB)

To seleci and find a desired PTY perform the following:

1. Turn (he P-TYPE LIST knob, TYPE and a PTY

wIN appear on the display.

2. Select a category by turning ihe P-TYPE LIST knob

3. Once the desired category Is displayed, ptess me

SEEK TYPE button or one of ths SEEK anows lo

take you to the category’s first station.

4. If you want to go lo another slatton wilhio thai

category and the category Is displayed, press
the SEEK TYPE button once, If Ihe category is not
dFsplayed^ press tne SEEK TYPE button twrce
to display tba category and lhan |o go to anolher

If ihs radio cannot find the desired program type, MONE

wiN appear on the display and the radio will return to
the last station you were Hsïening to,
