Restraint system check, Checking your restraint systems – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Restraint System Check

Checking Your Restraint Systems

Now and then, iriaka sure th& satety Celt ratnindei light
and aEI your belts, buckles, lalch plates, retiactore

and aneharages are working pfoperiy, Leok for any othet
loose or damaged salety bell system parts. If you see
anything that mighl keep a safety bell system iiom doing

Its j□b^ have it repaired.

Tom or frayed safety bells may not protect you in a
crash. They can rip apart under impact forces. If a bell

is tom or frayed, got a new one nghl away,

ftlso look for any opened or broken air bag covers, and
have !hem repaired or rapfaoed (The air bag system

cfoes not need regular maintenance.)
