Radio messages – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 232

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TNFO {tníormatian}: If the current btatian has a
message, the infonnation sj^nmbol л111 appear on the

di&pfay. Press this button to seo ihe message. The

message may display the artist and song lllle, call In

phone numbefs, efc

It |hs whole гле^^адв js not dioplayod, parts of i| will

appear every ihree seconds. To screlll through the

message at your own speed, press ihe IMFQ button
repeatedly. A new group qf words will appear on

the display with each press. Огюе Ihe complete
imessago has baen displayed, ihe Informatton symbol
will disappear from the display until another new
message is recoived. The old message can be displayed

hy pressing the IWFO button until a new message Is
received or a differeni stafion is lun&d to.

When a message is not available from an statiorr^

NO INFO will be displayed.

TRAP ^Traffic): Press this button to receive tralfic
announcements. If the current luned station does nol
broadcast ttaffic announcennenis, the radio will seek lo a

station lhat does. When the radio finds в slation that

broadcasts iraffic announcements, it will stop. TRAP will
appear on the display and when a traffic announcement
comes on you will hear it. If no station is found, NO
TRAP will appear on 1he display.

When a traffic announcement Comes on the curreni
station or on a related network station, you will hear rt,
even If the votume is muted ora compact disc Is playing.

Tha traffic aymhofand TRAF wild appear on Ihe display
while the announcement plays. If the compact disc player
was being used, play wfU elop dunng Ihe announcemenl.

For DA0 (Canada only, ¡1 your radio is equipped with
DAB), wfieri the TRAP button is presseot, DAB does nol
seek tea station that broadcasts traffic. DAB only checks
tha current frequency for ira№c support.

This function cfoes not apply to Satellite Radio

Traffic Interrupt Feature: Vour radio can Jr>Eefrupt The

play of a C





”, or


slalion, Prs ss Ihe TRAF

button. The radio wN! seek to a station thal brcadcasts
trafilc announcements. When the radio finds a statiori that

broadcasts traHrc aorrouncemanis, it wjfl stop. TRAF wJH
appear on the display. When a traffic announcement
comes ofT the station that was found, you will hear it.

When the Iraffic announcement Is over, the radio will
resume play of the CD, or XM™, or DAB station. \t no
station IS found, NO TRAF will apf>ear on the display.

Radio Messages



ERR (Calibration Errorp This message is

displayed when the radio has not been calibrated
properly for Ihe vehicle, Vou must return to the
dealership for service.

LOCKED: This message Is displayed when the

THEFTLOCK®' system has locked up. Vou rnust return

lo the dealership tor service.
