All overseas locations, Gm mobility program for persons with disabilities – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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All Overseas Locations

contact the local GeriBral Motors Business Unit.

Mexico, Central America and

Caribbean Is Ian ds/Co untries (Except

Puerto Rico and U.S- Virgin Islands)

General Motors de MeKlco, S. tie R.L de C.V.
Customer Assistance Center
Paseo de le Reiorma ^ i74D
Col. Lomas de Bewares
C.P. 11910 Mexico, D.F-

Long Distance; 011-52'53 29 0 9D0

GM Mobility Program for Persons
with Disabilities

This program, available to
quatiriod applicants,, can
feimburse you up To
$1,0СЮ toward aflermarkel
drtvar or passenger
adaptive equipment you

may require Icr your

vehicle (hand controls,
lifts, atc.Jt

This program can



provide you with tree resource

Intomialion, such as area driver assessment centers and
mobility equipment installers. The program is availghle

for a limited period of tints from the date of vehicle

purchasei'lease. See your dealer tor more details or call

the GM Mobility Assistance Center at 1-900-323-9935^
Te?{( telephone (TTY} users, call 1-600'933-9935.

GM of Geneda also has a Mobility Program. Call

1-8Û0-GM-DRIVE (^93^7463} for details. All TTY users

call 1-800-263-3630.
