Care of your cds and dvds – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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if jrou notice a reduction in sound quality, try a Sioown
good cassette la see ift the tape or the tape player is at
fault. If this other cassette has no improvennent In
sound quality^ clean the tape pSayer,

For best reâulls, use a scrubbing action, non-abrasrve
cleaning cassette with pads which scrub the lape
head as the hubs of the cfeanec cassette lurn. The
necommendad cteaning casselte is available Ihrojgh
your dealership.

When cleaning Ihe cassette tape player with the
recomnriencied r>on-abrasive cleaning cassette, it is
possible that the casselte may eject, because the cul
lape detoction feature on your radio may recognize it as
a broken lape, tn error. Tt> prevent ihe cleaning
cassette from being ojsctad, usç the following stepsi

1. Turn the ignihon on.


Turn the radio off.

3. Press and hold the TAPE DfSC button for five

seconds. READY will appear on the display and
Ihe casselte symbol wHI ttash for five seconds.

4. Insert Ihe scrubbing action cleaning cassette.

5 Eject jhe deantng cassette after ihe nrianufaclurer's

recorraiended cleaning time.

Whan the cleaning cassette has been ejected, the cul
tape detection feature Ls active again.

You may also choose a non-scrubbing action, wer-iype

cleaner which uses a cassette with a fahne belt to
clean The tape head. This type of cieaning casseita will

not eject On ha own. A non-scrubbirrg action cfeaner
may not dean as ihoroughly as the scrubbing type
claaner. The use of a non-scrubbing action, dry-lype
cleaning cassetio is not recommended,

After you clean the player, press and hold the eject
button for five seconds to resd the CLEAN indicator.
The radio will dispfay — or CLEANED to show ihe

W 35-


Casseltes are subiect to wear and the sound quality
may degrade over time, Always make sure the cassette
tape is In good condition before you have your tape
player servicEid.

Care of Your CDs and DVDs

Handle discs cerelully. Store them in their onginal cases
or other protectfve cases and away Irom direct sunlighl
and dust. If the surface ai a disc is sohed, dampen
a clean, soft cloth In aitiifd, neutral detergent solution
and dean it, wiping from ihe center to Ihe edge.

Be sure never to touch ihe side without writing when

handling discs. Pick up discs by grasping the cuter
edges or the edge of Ihe hoJe and the outer edge.
