Auxiliary roof mounted lamp switch, Cargo lamp – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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The tog lamps wilt go otf wh&never the high-beam
headlamps come on. When Ihe high beams go off. the
fog lamps will come on again.

The fog lamps will be cancBiled after The Ignition is
lumed off. If yoy still want to use the fog lamps afler you
restart the vehicle, you will need to press the fog
lamp button again

Auxiliary Roof Mounted Lamp Switch

If youi vehicle has this feature, ibis switch indudos
wiring provisions for a dealer or a qualified service
center to insfall an auxiliary roof lamp.

This switch is locaied on
the center of the
instnjmani panel near Ihe


It your vehicle has this switch, your vehicle may have
Ihe snow plow prep package. For further information see
"Snow Plow Prep Package'*.

Cargo Lamp

The cargo lamp button is

located on the left side of
Ihe ir^strument panel.

Press the button to turn (he cargo (amp on. Press the
button again lo lurn It off*

An indicator light on the inslrumenl panel will illuminate
when the cargo (amp is turned on and the ignition
key is turned to RUN,

When the switch wrring is

connEcted to

an auxiliary roof

mounted lamp,

pressing the swlleh will activale Ihe lamp

and NIuJTilnate an indicator light near the switch. Pressing
the swilch again will lurn off (he roof mounted lamp.
