Manual transmission fluid, How to check – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Manual Transmission fluid

Then, (otlow these steps;

When to Check

A gocxi lime 1o hsve it ch&cked is wiien the engine oil l£
ohang^, Gea your nrialnleFiance schedule to find flut
when to change your transmission Fluid.

How to Check

Because ihis operation can be a tittle difficult, you may

choose to have this dong at your GM dealership
service deparimenl.

I! you do it yourselt, be sura to fellow all the Instructions
here, or you could get a False reading,

Wofice: Too much or too little fluid tan damage

your tranamtssion. Too much can mean that some

of the fluid could come out and tall on hot engine
part or exhaust system parts, starling a fire.

Too Utile filuid coutd cause the transmission to

Qvefheat^ B


sure to get an accurate reading If you

Chech your transmission fluid,

Chedi the fluid level only when your engine is off, the
vehicle is partied on a levei place and the transonission
is cool enough for you to resi your fingers on tho
transmission case.

^-speed for VORTEC 4300 Vg and 4fi00 VS Engines

Shown, Other l/lanuat Trarrsmissions Simitar

1. Remove the filler plug,


. Check that Ihe lubricant level is up to the boltom of

Ihe filler plug hole

3. If the fluid level Is good, install the plug and be sure

it is (glly seated. If the fluid level is low, add more
fluid as dascnbed In the next steps.
