Malfunction indicator lamp check engine light – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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The foil owing situations can causa the Irflnsmisson to


higher temperatures:

• Toiflfing a trailer

• Hot culside air temperatures

• Hauling a large or heavy toad

• Low transmission fluid level

• High iransmissfcin fluid level

• Restricted air flow to the radiator and the auxiliary

transmission oil cooler (Л equipped),

A lemporaiy solution to hotter transmission operating

lernperalures may Ъе lo let Ihe transmission cool down.


the iransmission




higher temperatures

on a frequent basis, see

Scftecfuied M aintensncs


page 6-5 ior

the proper transmission maintenance


Malfunction Indicator Lamp

Check Engine Light

Vour vehicle is equipped
with a eomputar which

rnonitors operation of


fuel, ignition and emission
control systems.

This system is called OSD ll (On-Board
Diggncstics-Sacond Ganeralion) and is Intended to
assure thal emissions are


accepiabla levels for the

life ol the vehicle, helpirrg to produce a deanet
envi room enl. The Check Engine light ccmas on to

indicate [hat ihere is a problem and service is reguired-
Maltunctions often will be indicated by the system
before any problem Is apparent. This may prevent more
sedous damagp to your vehicie. This system is also

designed to assist your service technician In correctly
diagnosing any melfunctton.


ft you keep driving your vehicle with this

light on, after a whiter your emissloin controls
may not work as welL your tuel economy may not
be as good and your engine may not run as
smoothly. This coutd lead to costly repairs that may
not be covered by your warranty.
