Warning lights, gages and indicators – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Warning Lights, Gages and


This part descnbes ihs warning lights and gages lhat may

be on your vehicie. The pictures will help you locate them.

Warning lights and gages can signal that samelhing is

wrong bafonp it Ijecomea serious enough to cause
an expensiv/e repair or rEpIgceniiient. Paying altenbon to
yo-ur warning Irghls and gages could also save yoo

Of others from injury.

Warning lights corne on when there may be or is a
problem with one of your vehicle's functions, As you will
see In the datoiis on the next few pages, sorne
warning lights come on briefly when you start the

engine Just to iet you know they're working. II you are
familiar with this section, you siwutd not be alarmed
when this happens.

Gages can indicote when there may be or is a problem

with one of your vehicle's functions, Often gages
and warning lights 'Work together to let you know when
there's a problem with your vehicle,

When one of the warning lights comes on and stays on
when you are driving, or when one of the gages shows

there may be a problem, check the section that tells you
whal to do about it. Please follow this manual's advice.
Waiting to do repairs can be costly - and even
dangerous. So pleaao geT to know your warning lights

and gages. They're a Щ help.

Voijf vehicle also has a driver information syslem thar
works along with Ihe warning lights and gagas. Sea
Driver ir}fofn}âSion Csnîer (DiC) on pa^e 3-50.
