Engine coolant temperature gage – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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The traction off llghi may come on for the folEpwing



(f you turn the system off ty pressing the TAS

on/off butlort located to ihe left of the steering >rtfheel,

the light will come on and stay on. To turn the

syetem bach on, press The button again; the light

should go qff.

IF you move (he shift lever to FIRST (1J, the light will

come on and stay on to indicate that (he trac(ion
system is off. This is normal oparadon. To lum the
system back on, move the shiFl lever back (o a
position other (han FIRST {1); the light should go off.


Traciioft Assisi System (TAS) on p^ige ^-9.

\ The lig ht wil I come


and slay on if the TAS

automatic engagement feature has been turned off.

To lorn the syslem on, press the TAS o№on button;
the light should go off. To turn the automadc
engagemenl feature back on, see

Trsction Assisi

System {TAS) on page 4-9.


If Ihe Traction Assist Syslem is affected by an

anti-lock brake syslem. TAS ar engine-related
prcbiem, the system will (urn off and Ihe light will

come on. Have your vehicle serviced.

^ If the vehicle fs driven over an extremety rough road,

the System w^н lom off and Ihe light will come on.


light will go off a few seconds after the rough road
conditions go away or when the vehicle comes to a
compleie slop. This is normal operation.



Engine Coolant Temperature Gage

This gage shows Ihe engine cootant temperature.

It also provides an Indicator ol how hard your vehicle Is

working. Duong a majority of the operaUnn. ihs gage
will read 210'F ft OCX) or less. It you are pulling a load
or going up hills, it is normal for ihe temperature to

Tuctuate and approach Ihe iSQ'^F {123'^C} mark. If the
gage reaches Ihe (12S"C) mark, it Indicates
that tha coolingi system is working beyond Its capacity.


Engine Overheating or page 5-36.