Coolant surge tank pressure cap engine overheating – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Coolant Surge Tank Pressure Cap Engine Overheating

See Engine Comparlmeni
Overview on page 5-12 lor
more iniorrnatton on

The coolant surge tank pressure cap must be lully

installeb on Ihe coolant surge tank.


Your pressure cap is a pressure-type cap

and inusl be lightly installed to prevent coolant loss

and possible engine damage from overheating,


‘^Capacities and Spedticatpons" for more


You w\\\ find a coolant temperature gage on your

vehicle's instrument panel. See Engine Cùofsnt

Temperaiure Gage on page 3-42. In addition, you will

find a low COOLAI^



and a REDUCED ENGINE POWER message In the
Driver Information Center on the instrument partel. See
DrivBr Information Center (DiC) on page 3-50.

Overheated Engine Protection
Operating Mode (VB Engines OnJy)

(f an nverheated engine Condition exists and the

REDUCED ENGINE POWER meswg^ is displayed, an

overheat protection mode which alternates (iring
groups ot cylinders helps prevent engine damage. In
ihts mode, you will latice a loss in power and snging
perform anca. This operating mode allows your vehicle to
be driven to a safe place in an emergency. Driving
OHtanded miles (kmj and/or towing a trailer In the
overheat protection mode should be avoided.

Notice: After driving in the overheated engine
protection operating mode, to avoid eng ine damage,

al low the engine to cooi before attempting any repair.
The erigine oil will be severely degraded. Repair the

cause of coolant loss, change the oil arid reset the oil
fife system. See “Engine OH” In the Inden,
