Using cleaner on fabric, Speciai fabric cleaning problems – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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* Use a dean do№ ar sponge, end change to a clean

area otten. A soft brusli may be used if slains are

• If a ring fornnB on fabric after spot cleaning, dean

Ihs entire area Immediately or it II set.

Using Cleaner on Fabric

1. Vacuum and brush ihe area to remove any

loess dirt.

?. Always clean a whole trim panel of section. Mask

surrounding irim along stilch or welt lines..

3. Follow ihe directions on fhe container label.

4. Apply cleaner wilh a clean sponge. Don't saturate

the material and donH rub It roughly.

5. As soon as you’ve cleaned ths seclion, use a

sponge to remove ar>y excess cleaner.

6. Wipe cleaned area wilb a clean, waier-dampened

towel or cloth.

7. Wipe with a dean ctoth and let dry.

Speciai Fabric Cleaning Problems

Stains caused by such Ihings as catsup, coffee (black),

egg, iruil, fruit juice, mitk. soft drinks, vomit, urine

and blood can be removed as foltows;

1. Carefully scrape off excess slain, Ihen sponge the

soiled area wilh cool water.


If a

Stain remains, follow

the cleaner


described earlier,

3. If an odor lingers after cleaning vomit or unne, treat

the area with a waler/baklng soda sotutton:

1 teaspoon (5 ml) of baking soda lo 1 cup {2И ml)

of lukewarm water.

4. Let dry.

Stains caused by candy, ice cream, mayoininaise, chili
sauce and unknown stains can be rernoved ag follows:

f. Carefully scrape off аксвзе stain.


Clean with cool water and allow lo dry completely.




stain remains, follow

the cleaner [nstruchons


