Tovv/haul mode (autottïatic transmission), Overdrive disable (allison transmissions) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Tovv/Haul Mode (AutOTtïatic

Overdrive Disable (Allison

Your veh^le rr>ay quipped wrth a taw/haul mode.
The seleclor button Is focated on ihe end of (he column
shift lever. You cart use this tealure lo assist when


lowing or hauling a heavy load. Turn low/haut an and
ofi by pressing the button until (he tow/haul indicator
light illuminates on the instrument panel. See "Tow/Haul
Mode"" under Tdivjnp a

Traitet on page 4-6S

for mare


It yoifr vehicfe has an Aifison Transmissron you may
have the overdrive disabte Feature. The overdrive disable
feature prevents the transmission From shifting inlo
fifth (5) ^ar. The selfittor button Is located on Ihe end

of the column shitt lever. You can turn overdrive
disable on and off by pressing and holding the button at

the end of the column ahrFl lever until the Jmiicalor
light» on the Inslrurhant panel» illuminates.
