Changing a flat tire, L caution, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Changing a Flat Tire

If a tire goes flat, avoid further fire and wheel damage
by driving sJowly



a level piarle. Turn on your

hazard warning liashers.



Changing a lire can cause an injury. The

vehicle can slip off the jack and roll over yog

or other people^ Yog and they could be badly

injured. Find a level piece to change your tire.

To help prevenl the vehicle from moving:

Set the parking brake firmly-


Pul the shift lever In PARK (PJ,

3. if you have a four*wheel-dfive vehrcle, be

sure the transfer case is tn a drive

gear - not in NEUTRAL.

4. Turn off the engine.

5. Put the wheel blocks at the Ironl and rear

of the tire farthest away from the one
being changed. That would be the tire on
the other side of the vehicle, at the
opposite Brtd.

The following steps will tell you how to use jhe jack ^nd
change a tire.
