Headphones, Stereo rca jacks, Battery replacernent – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 271: Battery replacement

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Battery Replacernent

To change (Jie balieries, do Ih& folJowing:

1. Remove the battery compartment cfoor tocaied on




the remoto control.


Raptace the two AA batteries rn the compartment.

Make sure [hat they


insiailetJ correclly.

3- Close (he haliety door securety.


Do not store the romote control in heat or

direct sunlight. This could damage the remote

control and Ft would not be covered by your vehidea

warranty. Keep the remote control stored in a

CGolt dry place,

fr the remote control is to be stored Tor a long period of
trmflr removB Ihe battaries and Ireep them in a cool^
dry piece.


The RBE system includes Iwo sets of wireless Infrared


Each set ot headphones have an ON/OFF control. To
use the headphones aclivaie the ON/OFF conirol.
An indicator Ihght will IHumlnatG on the headphones. ]f

(he light does not Uluriftinace, the hártenles may need
lo be replaced. See "Battery Replacement" later in this
section lor more inlormation. To lum the headphones
OFF activate the ON/OFF control.

Each set oí headphones has a rotary volume control. To

adjust the volume, adjust (his control.

The headphones will automatically lum off if they lose
the infrared signal trem ihe system after appnojtimately
four minuies In order to preserve thoir battery power.
The signal may be lost il tha system is fumed off or if ttie

headphones are out of range of the infrared signal

transmitters that are located below the video display


Battery Replacement

To change the batteries, do Ihe follcwinçir

1. Loosen the screw on the battery cortrpartmenl dcor

located on the left side of ihe headphone earpiece.

2 Replace the iwo AAA. batteries in the compartmeni,

Make sure that |hey are installed correctly,

3. Tighten the screws


dose the compartment door.

Л/of fee: Do not store the headphones in heat or
direct ïunlight. This could damago the headphones
and would not be covered by your warranty.
Keep the headphones stored In a cool place.

It tha headphones are to be stored lor a long period of
Jime, nemove the batteries and heep ihem in a cool,
dry place.

Stereo RCA Jacks

The RCA jacks are located behind Ihe video screen on
Ihe Iront ol Ihe DVD console. The RCA jacks allow
you to connect audio end video from an еикШагу device
such as a camcorder or a video game unit to your RSE
