GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 348

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* Dûn't tow a trailer at alt during Uie Hr&t 300 miles

{800 km] your new vehicle is driven. Your engine,

axle ÛT

other parts could




Then, during the first 50Ö miles {SOO ï(m) thaï you tow

a trailer, don't drive over 50 mph ^SO km/h] and don't

make starts at Kill ihrotue. This helps your engine

and other parts ol your vehicle wear In at Ihe

heavier loads.

■ It you have an a ulomatic tra nsmission, y ou can tow

In DRIVE {D}. You may want lo shift the transmission
to THIRD (3] or, if necessary, a lower gear selection
if the transmission shifty too often {e.g., under heavy


hiLly conditions). If you have a manual


ar>d you ane towing a Lrailer, it's better

rwl to use the highest g&ar. See

Tow/fiau! Mode

Light an pngs 3-46.

Throe important considérai ions have to do wilîi weight:

• the weight of the trailer

• the weight of ihe trailer lor^gue

■ and the weight on your vehicle's Tires.

Tow/H^ul Mode

Tow/haul Ls a feature on automatic Iransmission

equipped vehicles that assists when pulling a heavy
trailer or a large or heavy load. The purpose of
the tow/haul mode is to:

* Reduce the Irequency and improve the pnedictatiHity

of irarrsmisslon shifts when pulling a heavy iraileir or
a large or heavy toad

* Provide Ihe same solid shift feel when pulling a

heavy traila r or a large or haavy load as when
the vehicle Is unloaded,

* Improve control of vehicle spaed while requiring

less Ihronie pedal activity when pulling a heavy
trailer or a large or heavy ioad-

Aufqmabc transmission equipped vehicles are provided
wilh a bulton at the end oi the shih i(?ver which when

pressed enables tow/hauL When lha bulton is pressed,
a light on the instrument panel will Illuminate lo
indicate that tow/haul has been selected, Tow/haul may
be turned off by pressing the button again, at which
lime [he indicator light on The instrument panel wiil tum
off. The vehicle will automatically tum oR tow/hqul
every tirr>e it is started
