Cruise control, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Cruise Control

This can really help on tong trips. Cruise control does
noi work at speeds below about 25 mph [40 km/h).

It you apply your brakes, or press Ihe dutch pedal (rf
equipped), the cruise conlrol will disengage.



I ; On

+ t Resume/Acceleraie

: Set

With cruise controlf you can maintain a speed of about
2S mph (40 km/h) or more wllhout keeping your foni
on the accelerator.



Cruise control can he dangerous where
you can't diive safely at a steady speed.
SOi don't use your cruise control on
wlrtdir^g roads or In heavy traffic.
Crufse Control can be dangerous or>

slippery roads. On such roads, fast
changes In tire traction can cause
needless wheel spinning, and you could
lose control. Don't use cruise conlrol on
slippery roads.
