Shifting into 4hj or auto 4wd, Shifting into 2hi, Shifting out of 4lo – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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fJEUTflAL: Shift the vehicle's transfer case to
NEUTRAL only whan towing your vahicle. S&e

Recreational Vahicie Towng on page 4-53



Your Yehicie


page 4^53

(or more intormatiGn.

indicator lights in ihe switches show which setUng your
transfer case


in. The indicatar lights will come an

briefly when you turn on the lgnitior> anti one wiH stay on.
If the lights do not сопле on^ /с j shcufd taf(e your
vehidB to ycur dealer far service. An indicator Nght will
Hash while the transfer case is being shifted- It will
remain illunn¡nateti when Ihe shift is complete.


lor some reason Ihe transfer case cannot malie a

reguesleti shift. jl will relum to the last chosen setting.

If the SERVICE 4WD light slays on, you should lake
your vehicle to your dealer tor Service. Зое

Sen/ice on

page 5^3

for further information.

Shifting into 4HJ or AUTO 4WD

Press and release the 4HI or AUTO 4WD switch. Thi&

can be done at any speed (except when shifting
from 4LO), and the irrdicator light wilt flash while shifting.

19 will remain Diurni noted wherr the shift Is completed.

Shifting Into 2HI

Press and retease ihe 2Hf switch. This can be done et

any speed (excepl when shifting from 4LO).

To shift to 4LO, the ignition must be in RUN and the


must bs slapped or moving less lhan 3 mph

(4.a km/h) wUh the transmission in NEUTRAL (NK The
preferred method for shifting ir>to 4LO is to have


moving 1 to ? mph (1.6 to 3.2 km/h}. Press

and release the 4LO switch. You must wait for



indicator light



Hashing and remain

lllumlnaied before


your iransmissiori in gear.

tf the 4LO switch is pressed when your vehicJe Is in gear
and/gr moving, the 4LQ indicator light will flash for
30 seconds and not complete the shift unless your
vehicle is moving less than 3 mph ( km/h) and the
liansmissior^ Is In NEUTRAL (M). After 30 seconds
the transfer case will return to the setting Iasi chosen.

Shifting Out of 4LO

To shift from 4LO to 4HI, AL/TO 4WD or



vehiclB must he stopped or moving less than 3 mph
(4.8 hm/h) with the transmission in NEUTRAL (N) and

the igniflon m RUN. The prefomed method for shifting out

of 4LO Is to have your vehicle moving 1 to


mph (l.S


3.2 km/h). Press and release the 4H!, AUTO 4WD or

2HI switch. You must wait for the 4HL AUTO 4WD
or 2HI indicator light to stop Mashing anti remain
Nfuminated belore shifting your transmission into gear.

Shifting into 4LO
