Storage areas, Giove box, Cupholider(s) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 150: Center overhead console, Instailmg a garage door opener

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storage Areas

Your vehicle include? a number ol storage
compartmenls for storage of often-used items.

Some vehicles have storage areas in the inslrumeni
panel. Use these apaces for items such as gloves

or small hooks.

Some models have a storage pocket on each of the
Iront doora.

Some vehicles have a storage area behind ihe seal.

Giove Box

To open your glove boJi, pull ihe lever upward and pull

the door downward.


Vour vehicle may have cupholders located in ihe front


Center Overhead Console

Your vehicle may have an averhead console. The long
overhead consoie has ihree storage compartments

inside it and the short overhead console hos one
corppartmenl inside it

Instailmg a Garage Door Opener

If you have tha long overhead console, a garage door

opener can he installed in the front overhead

■f. To install the garage dour opener, first open ihe

compartment door by pressing the release button

2. Peel the protective

hacking from the hook
and loop patch.
Prsss It fimnly io Ihe

bach of your garage
door opener, as

close to the center of
the opener as

3. Center Ihe garage door opener activahon button

over the console door button, and press Ihe

opener firmly Into place.

The pegs inside the compartппеп1 door are used ic
make sure the button on the compartment door

will contact the conirol button on Ihe garage door
