Radio (confct) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 260

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Fiacjiq Display



Acllon' Required

No inlo

Catei;ofy Name not

No calego


informalion is available al Ibis time on this

channeL Your sysiem ie working properly.

No Info

No TeifVInfo/mationaä
message avail abfs

No te^1 or inform^tfiimal rnassagas


available at Ihls

lime on Ibia channel. Youf system is working properly.

Nol Found

No channel available for
ihe chosen category

Thera are no channels available for the category you
selected Your system is working prnparly.

XM Locked

TheM lock active

The XM receiver in your vehicle mgy have pnavlousty been
in another vehicle. Fnr security purposes. XM receivers
cannot be swapped belween vehicles.


you receive this

message after having your vehicla serviced, check with the
servicing facility.

Radio fD

Radiü tD label

{channel 0)

If you tune to channel 0. yon will see this message

alternating with your XM Radio


digit radio ID label. This

label Js needed to activate your service.


Radio ID nol known

{should only be if
hardware failure)

If you receive ihls message when you tune to channel 0.

you may have a receiver fault. Consult with your dealer^

Chk XMRcvr

Hardware failure

If this message does not clear within a shod period of Time,
your receiver may have a fault. Consult with your retail
