Quadrasteer – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 295

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rsquir^s class ^ttsntian and a

quick decision. If you are hoidlng Ihe steering wheel'al
the rBcommenclecl S and 3 o'clock positions, you
can turn


a full 130 degrees very quickly whhoul

removing either hand, But you have to ad fast. Steer

quickly, and just as quickly straighten the wheel
once you have avoided the objed.

The fact 1hal such emergency situations are always
possible is a good reason lo practice defensive driving
al all times and wear safety bells properly.


The OUADBASTEER™ System has a control and

diagnostic mad ufe that monUors and records current
sysiem status and operational information.

If your vehicta is equipped with the 4 Wheel Steer
system it hafi the ability to steer (he vehicle with all four

Once ihe 4 Wheel St&er mode is selecied, il is
recommended to leave the vehicle In this mode at all
times, and during all dtivirig and weather conditions.

You can aeled this mode at any speed, however, It you
are turning the system will not engage until the turn
is complete.
