15,000 miles (25 000 km), 500 miles (37 500 km), 500 miles (tisookm) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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II the system is ever reset atcldentelly» yüu musí

change your oil al 3,000 miles {6 000 km) since your
Jast oil change^ Rernember to reset the oil life system

rtibenever lh& oil is changed. See

Engine Oif on

рздв 5-l7\ot

Iniormalion or resetting the system.

An Emission Coniroi Sen/icOr

Lubricate chassis components with aach engine oil
and filler change. Vehicles used under severe
commercial operating conditio ns require lubrication
on a regular basis every 3,000 rniles {5 COO km}.

Lubrícate the frcnl suspension, ball pints, steering
linkage, transinission shift linkage and parking brake
cable guides. BaM joints should hot be lubncated unless
Iheir temperature is ICF (-12‘^C) or higher or they
Could be damsgad.

After the services are performed, necord ihe date,
odometer reading and who perfonmed the service on the
maintenance record pages in Pad E of this schedule.

7.500 Miles (tiSOOkm)

Ü Check rear/front axle Huid level and add Huid as

needed. Check constant velocity loinls and axle seals
br leaking.

J Rotate Tires. See

Tire inspecUon and Rotation on

page 5'74

for proper rotation pattern and additional


(See footnote -t.)

□ Allison Trarismlsslor Only: Replace the external

contraFmgin fitter,

15,000 Miles (25 000 km)



engine sir cleaner niter


you are driving in

dusty Conditions.

Replace filter If


fin Emission Controf Service. (See footnote f.)

J Check rear/iront axle fluFd level and add Huicf as

r^esded. Check constant velocity joints and axle seals
for leaking.

■J Rotgle tires. See

Tire inspection and Rotation an

page 3-74

lor proper rotation palterm and aiidltiooat


(See foofoote -i-.}

22.500 Miles (37 500 km)

J Check rear/fronl axle fluid level and add fluid as

needed. Check con^lant vetpcicy points and axle seals
for leaking,

U Roíale Hres. See

Tim inspection and Rotation on

page 5-74

for proper natation pattern and additional


footnote +.)
