How to add fluid – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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3. Check both sides of Ihe dipstick, and read Ihe lower

level. The fluid level must t>e in the COLD area,
betow the cross-hatched area, for a cold chock or in
the HOT area or ctoss-hatched area for a hot

A -


the fluid level Is in ths eccepfable ranges push the

dipstick back In all ihe ^ay: then nip ihe handle

down lo lock the dipstick in place.



(he Maintenance Schedule fo determine what

kind of transrriisslon Iluid lo uso- See Part D:

RecommefKied Fiüids and Lubdcsnts on f>age &-19.

Add fluid only afler checking the iransimis&ion fluid while

il is hot, [A cold check is used only as a reference.) 1f
the fluid level rs Jow^ add only enough of the proper fluid

to bring Ihe level up to (he HOT area lor a hot cheek.

It doesn't take much ffuJd, generally less than one

pint ÍO.S L).




We recomn>and you use only fluid labeled

DEXnON^ III, desuse fluid wflh that label is
made especially for your automatic transmission.
Damage caused by fluid other than DEXRO^^^

ill is not covered by your new vehicle warranty.

• After adding fluid, rgcheck Ihe fluid level as

described under

Hew to Check.

* When Ihe oomect fluid level Is oblamed, push the

dipstick back in ali (he way; then flip the handis

down to lock the dipstick in place.

How to Add Fluid
