Retained accessory power (rap), Mamiat transmission, Starting your engine automatic transmission – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 110: Starting your engine, Automatic transmission

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Retained Accessory Power (RAP)

Vaur vehicle may be equipped with a Retained
Accessory Power (RAP} leature which will allow certain
features on your vehicle to


lo worti up to

10 minutes alter the igniLion ney fs turned lo OFF.

Your radio, power windows and ovethead console wdl

vuork when the ignltton key is in RUN or ACCESSORY.

Once the key la turned frorvi RUM to LOCK, those

features will cpnlinue to work tor up lo 10 nnihutes or

untrl a door is opened.


Don't try to shift to PARK (P) 11 your

vehicle is moving. If you do, you could damage the
transmission. Shift to PARK (P) only when your
vehicle Is stopped.

Mamiat Transmission

The gear selector shcmid be In neutral and Uie parking
brake engaged. Hold !he ckitch pedal to ihe floor
and start tha engine, Your vehicle won't start If the clutch
pedal is riot all the way down - that's a safely feature.

Starting Your Engine

Automatic Transmission

MovB your shift lever to PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N)+

Your engine won't start in any olher position - that's a

safety fealuns, To restart when you^re already moving,

use NEUTRAL (N) cinly. If you have a diesel engine refer
to (he diesel suppietiienl for starting procetJure-
