Vehicfe damage warnings, Vehicle symbols – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Alsf], in tills book y[>u will find thss« nDticss:


Thes& mean there is s o m e t h l h a t could

damage your vehicifl.

A ftcrtice win leH you about something that can damage
your vehicle. Many times, this damage would not be
covered by your warranty, and It could be costly. But the
notice will tell you what to do to help avoid the

When you read other manuals, you might sfîs CAUTION
and NOTICE warnings in different colors or In
different words.

You'JI also see warning labels on your vehicle. They use
ihe sams words, CAUTION or NOTfCÈ.

Vehicfe Damage Warnings

Your vehicle has components and labels that use
symbols instead of te>tt. Symbols, used on your vehicio,
are shown along with iha text describing the opeiation
Of Information relallng to a specific cornponent. conintji,
message, gage or indicator.

If you need help figuring out a specific fianie of a

component, gaga or indicator refsTiance (ha following

lopica in the Index:

• Seats and Restraints Systems m Section 1

• Features and Controls in Section 2

• Instrumem Panai Overview In Section 3

• Climate Controls in Section 3

• Warning Lights, Gages and Indlcalors In Section 3

• Audio Systems in Section 3

• Engine Compartment Overview in Section 5

Vehicle Symbols