Instrument panel brightness control, Exit lighting, Front reading lamps (if equipped) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 172: Interior lamps

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Instrument Panel Brightness Control

This lealune contrdris ihe brightness of the

Instrument panel lights.

The ihumbwheel for this leature is Icrcated nejit to ihe

headlamp contfol.

Turn ihe thumbwhael up to adiust (he insirumenl panel
lights. Turn the thumbwheel up to nelum the radio


Fiill brightness when the headlamps or parking

lamps are cm. To lum on the dome Jaitips, lum the
thumbwheel all ihe way up.

Exit Lighting

№h ejiil lighting, the inlerior larrips will comp on when
you remove the key From tFi^e ignition. The lights will

not coma on tF the dome override button is pressed In.

Interior Lamps

Your vehicle is equipped with an illuminated eniry feature.

When a door is opened, the dome (amps will come on if
the dome override button ia in Ihe out position. IF the
dome override button is pressed in. the lamps wilt

not come on.

Front Reading Lamps (If Equipped)

Entry Lighting

The reading lamps are

located on ihe overliead

To lum on the reading lamps, press Ihe button located
next to each lamp. To turn ihem off, press the button

The lamps can be adjusted to point In the direction you
want lliem lo go.
