Engine oil – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 392

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A. Engine Air Cieaner/Fil!ef

e. Coolant Surge Tank

C. Air Filter ftastncuon Indicator (If Equipped^

D. Engine Oil Dipslick

E. Automalic Transmission Dipstick [If Egmpped)

F. Engine Oil Fill

G. Fan

h. Remote Negative (-) Tenninai fGND)


Rernote Positive





J. Power Steering Fluid Fieservoir

K. Brahe Fluid Reservoir

L. Clutch Fluid Reservoir (II Equipped)

Mr Undarhood Fuse Block

N. Battery

O. Windshield Washer Fluid Resarvoir

If your vehicle has a diesel engine^ see "Engine Oil" in
the Diesel Engine Supplemenl.

If the CHECK OIL LEVEL light appears on the
inetrument cluster, it means you need to check your

engine oit level right away.

For more information ^ see Ddver Infortriation
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You should check your engine oil level regularlyi this Is
an added reminder,

Engine Oil
