Cautioni (contîiim«d) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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CAUTiONi (ContîiiM«d)

Ev&n though №« pas^sTig^r («n$ing &y«leTin is

d^signad to turn off Ihe pas««ng#r'a frontal air

bag if th* system datacts a r«ar-facing chil^J
rastramt, no sy&tam is fail-safe, and no one
can gijarantao that an air bag will not deploy
under some unueuaE circumstance, even
though it ia lumod off. General Motors,

therefore, rocommends that rear-facing child
restraints be secured in (he rear seat whenever
passible, even it (he air bag is off.

The passenger sensing System Is desigj^ed to lum off
the righl franT passenger's frontal air beg ifj

» the fig



passenger seat is unoccupied

\ the

sysTBon delemiines

thaï an Infant

ie present in





s ttrs system deiarmlnes that a small child is presenl

in a forwaind-fadr^ child restraint

s the sysEem determines lhal a small child IS preseni

in a booster seat

% a right front passenger takes his/her weighl off of

(he seat for a perfod of lima

» (he nghi front passenger seat is occupied by a

smaller person, such as a chUd who has outgrown
child restraints

t or it there Is a chtical problem wilh Ihe air bag

system or tho passenger sensing system

For some chltdran who have outgrown child restramis
and for very amaSI adults, the passenger sensing system
may or may not lu m off |he right fron1 passenger's
fnontal air bag, depending upon the person's seating

posture and body build, Everyone in your vehKie

who ti

3 5

Duigrowti child restraints should wear a safely

belt property — whether or nûf (here is an air hag
for that person.