If you're caught in a blizzard – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Your anti-lock brakes improve your vebicle's stability

livtien you oiake a hard slop on a slippery road.

Even though you have an anti-lock braking system,

you'll v^ant to begin slopping sooneT iban you vyould on
dry pavement. Sea

Br^i<;fng onpsg&4-6.


Allow greater following dislance on any

slippery road.


Watch for slippery spots. The road might be fine

ursUl you hit a spot fhal'E covered with ten. On

ar> otherwise clear road, ice patches may appear In
shaded areas where the sun can'l reach: around
clumps of trees, behind buildings or under bridges.
Sometimes the sudace of a curve or an overpass
may riff main Icy when the surrounding roads

are clear. If you sea a patch of ice ahead of you,
brake before you are on It. Try nol to brake
while you're acloally on the ice, and avoid sudden
sle&ring maneuvers.

If You're Caught in a Blizzard

Jf you are stopped by heavy snow, you could be in a
serious situation. You should probably stay with your
vehicia unless you know for sure lhat you are near help

and you tan hike through the snow,Here are some things
lo do to summon help and keep yoursetf and yout
passengers safe:

■ Tum on your hazard flashers.

* Tie a red clolh lo your vehicle to sled police that

youVe been stopped by Ihesnow.
