Speedometer and odometer, Tachometer, Safety belt reminder light – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Speedometer and Odometer

Your spfledometer lets you see your speed in both
infles per hour fmph) and kSlofnelefS per hour (km/h).
Your odomater shows how far your vehicle has
been cfriveiib m erther miles (used in ihe Unked States)
□r kilometers (used in Canacía).

Trip Odometer

Tha trip odameler can tell ycju how far your vehicle has

been driven since you last set the trip odometer to zero.

Press the reset button to toggle between the trip

odometer and the regular odometer. Holding tha reset
button fof two seconds while the (rip odometer Is
displayed will reset it.

To display (he odoimeter reading with the Ignition oft,
press Ihe reset button.

Engine Hour Meter Display

The odometer can also display Ihe number oí hours tha
engine has run. To display Ihe hour mater, Tum the
ignition off, press and hold the resel button iof at least
four seconds. The hour meter will be displayed for
up to 30 secondSn or until the ignition is lurned on.


Vour lachometqr displays Ihe engine speed in
ravofutions per minute (rpm).


On vehrclas with a manual transmission, it

you operate the engine with the tachomoter In the
ebad^ warning areas, your vehicle's engine or other
parts of your vehicle could be damaged. Damage to
your engine or vehicle caused by opera ling the

engine with the tachometer


the shaded warning

areas isn't covered by your vehrcte warranty. Don't

operate the tachometer In the shaded warning areas.

Safety Belt Reminder Light

When the t^ey is turned to RUN or START, a chime wHl
come on (or saverai seconds to remind people lo
fasten iheir safety bells, ur>less lha driver^s safety belt Is
already buckled.

The salety belt light will
aJso come on and slay on
for several aaconds. Ihen It
will flash tor several more.

If the driver's belt is already buckled, neither the chime
nor the light will come or>.
