Air bag systems, Air bag systems -61 – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Air Bag Systems

This part e>tp;ains the air bag syslem.

Your vehicle has air bags - una air bag iqr ihe driver
and aritjthei air bag ior tf>e rigl il froi’il passenger.

Frontal air bags are designed to help reduce (he risk oi

injury Trofn Ihe force of an inilatmg ironfaf air bag.
But (hese air bags musl inflate very quickly to do their

^□b and comply with federal reguJaIrons.

Hare are the most important things to know about the
air bag systerns;

You can be severely Injured or killed in a crash
if you aren't wearing your safely bell — even If
you have air bags. Wearing your safety bell



crash helps rectuce your chance o1

hitting things inside the vehicle or

CAUTION; (Continued)

beingejected from It. Air bags are designed la
work with safety belts, but don't replace
thetn.Air bags are designed to deploy only In
moderaie to severe franial and near frontal
crashes.They aren't designed to Inflate al all in
rollover, rear or low-speed Froniaf crashes, or
in rnany side crashes. And, for sorrve
unrestraijied occupanis, airbags may provide
less protection in frontal crashes than more

torcefuf afr bags have provided in the past.

Everyone in your vehicle should wear a safety
belt properly — whether or not there’s an air
bag for that person.
