GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 463

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To release the spare Tire irom (he aeceniiqjy latch dn

the follO(rt/irig:

1. Checii under (he vehicle to see if the cable end is



(f it Is not visible, proceed to Step 6.

If it FS visible, first [r^ (o tighten the cable by turning
the wheel wrench clockwise unlti yog hear two
cUtks or fsel it skip twice. You cannot overtighten
the cable,

3, Loosen the cable by turning the wrench

counterclockwise three or four turns.

4. Repeal this procedure at least I wo liitpes, If the

spare tire lowers to Ihg ground, continue with
Step 4 of "Removing Your Spare Tire and TooEs”
earlier in this section*

5. Tom the wrench couriterclockwise until

appioxiTTialely si)i Inches fl5 ot cable Is

e. Stand the wheel blocks

on their shortest ends,
with ihe backs
facing each other.

7. Hook (he bottom edge of the jacit on the wheel

bJocks, separating them SO that the |QCh Is
balanced securely.

S. Attach ths jack handle, extension, and wheel

wrench to the jack and place It (with the wheel
blocks} under the vehicle towards Ihe front of the
rear burtiper. Poaition the center tifl point of the jack
under the center of the spare trre.
