Locking rear axle, Steering power steering, Steering tips – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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NORMAL; The indicator light will be off when the

system is in Ihis setting. Use for normal city and highway
driving. Provides a smooth, soft ride when the vehicle
is unloaded.

FIRM (Unloaded); Press the switch to acttvata this

setting, the indicator light

will illuminatE.

Use this setting

when road condition & or personal preference dennand
more control. Provides more "feel*" or response to
the road condifions,

FIRM (Loaded); Press fhe switch to activate this
setting, tha indicator tight will illuminate. Use this setting
lo minimize irailer inputs to the vehicle or when the
vehicle is lolly loaded. This setting is also appropnato
lor off-road driving.

You can select a setting at any time based on road and
trails ring conditions to provide the Ьеы ride and
handling Select a new setlirtg whenever driving
conditions change.

Locking Rear Axle

If your vehicle has this feature, your iocking rear axle
can give you additional traction on snow, mud. ica, sand
or gravel. It works like a standard axle most of the
bme. but when one of the rear wheels has no traction

end the other does г this feature will allow the wheel with

traction to move Ihe vehicle.


Power Steering

If you lose power steenng assist because the engjne
stops or thg system is not functioning, you can steer bul
II wNi lake much more efiort.

Steering Tips

Driving on Curves

It's important to take curves at e reasonable speed.

A (Dt of Ihe ^driver losi contnor accidents Tnentioned on
the news, happen on curves. Here's why:

Experienced driver or bagmaor, each of üs Is subfect to
fho same lavvs of physics when driving on curves.

The traction ol the bres agarnst the road surface makes

It possible for the vehicle Ю change fis path when
you turn Ihe front wheels, (f there's no tracttoriH inenia
will keep iho vehicle going in ihe same direction, if
you’ve ever tried to steer a vehicta on wat ice, you'll
understand this.

The traction you can gel in a curve depends on the
condition of your tires and the road surface, the angle at

which the curve is banked, and your speed. While
you're in a curve, speed is the one faclor you can
