Where to put the restraint, A caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Where to Put the Restraint

Accictenit sl3li&(Fcâ show thal qhjldriîn ¿re safer if thgy
are restrained in the rear rather than (he front seaL
General Mciïore, therelore. recQnnmends that child

restraints be secured in a ro-ar seat Including an infant
riding in a rear-facing infant seal, a child riding In a
fûiward-facing child seaE and an elder child riding in a

booElor seal. Never put a child In a rear-facing child
reslralnl in fhe right inûm passenger seat unless

your vehicle has the passenger sensing systara and-'or
an AIR BAG OFF switch and the air bag status
Indicator shows off. Never put a rear facing child

restraint In ihe right front passenger seat unless ihe air
bag is eff. Here's why


A child fn 3 rear-facing child reslraint can be
seriously injured or killed if the right front

passengers air bag inflates. This is because the
back of the rear-facing child realraint would be
very close to the inttsting air bag. Be sure the air

bag is off before using a rear-facing child

restraint in the right front seat position.

CAUTION; {Continued)

CAUTION: (Continued)

Even though the Passenger sensing System
and/or AIR BAG OFF switch are designed to
turn off the passenger's frontal air beg under

certain conditions, no system is fail-safe^ and
no one can guarantee that an air bag will not

deploy under sorr№ unusual circumstance,
even though it is turned off. General Motors

therefore racommenejs that rear-facing child
restraints be transported in vehicles with a
rear seat that will accommodate a rear-facing

child restraint, whenever possible.

if you secure a forward-facing child restraint in
the right front seat, always move the front

passenger seat as far back as it wilt go. It Is
better to secure the child restraint in a rear seat.

There is limlied space In ihe rear seating area of an
extended cab modef. If you need to secure a child

restraint In a mar sealing position oE an extended cah
model, especially in ihe rear center posiElon, be

sure to study Ihe Instructions thal came with your child
restraml to sea If there is enough rooiri to secure

your seat propedy.

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