Manual windows, Power windows – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Manual Windows

Turn The hand crania on each door to manually raise or
lower the nnar>ual windows.

Power Windows

The dfiyrer's door has a switch for the passengei
winctow as weH. Vour power windows will work when Ihe
ignition has been turned to ACCESSORY or RUN or
when Retained Accessory Power (RAP) is active.
See "Relalned Accessory Powei^ under


Positions on p^go2'2t.

Pull up the Tronl oT the conrrol with the power window
symbol on


to raise Ihe window.

Press Ihe forward edge oF the controi down lo lower ihe


Express Down Windows

The driver and iront passenger windows also have an
express down tealure that allows the windows to
he lowered without bolding the switch. Press and hold
the front edge of the window switch ior one second
to activate the express down mode. The express down

mode can be canceled at any time hy pullmg up on

the switch. To open lha window partway, lightly lap the

swilch untlJ the window Is at Ihe desired positlort.

If your vehicle is equipped with power windows, the
controls are locaied on each ot ihe side doors in
the from and rear.
