T heft“ deter rent feature – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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TL^rn the knob to increase or to decrt^sa

volume. The left knob controls the teft headphone and
the right knob controls itie right he&dphone-

SRC iSource): Press Ihrs button to seloc! an audio
source; radio, cassette (apes, CDs, DVDs^ XM {it your
vehicle js equipped win XM™ Satellite Radio Service),
or DAB


your vehicle is equipped with DAB)

depending on your vehicles options.

V SEEK A: While listening to AM, FM1 or FM2, XM1
or XM2, DAQt, or DAB2. press Ihe up or (he down
arrow to tune to the next or to the previous station and
slay there. If the tront radio is In use, you cannot
seek through different stations.

While listening to a cassette lape, press Ihe up or the
down arrow TO hear the next or the previous selection. If
the cassette lape on the front radio is In use, you
cannot seek through different selections on a tape.

Whife listening to e CD, press the up arrow to hear the

next track on the CD, Press the down amow to go
back to the start of the current track if more than eight
seconds have played- if the CD player on the front radio
is in use, you cannot seek through different tracks.

PROG (Program): The front passerrgers must he
lislening to something different for each of these
lunctinns Eo work;

• Press this button 1e go to the preset radio stations

set on the pushbuttons on the main radio.

• When a cassette lape is pfaying, press this button

to go to the other side of the tape

• When


CD is playing in The radio, press this button

to go bach


The beginning ol the CD.

• Whan a CD ts playing in the CD changer, press this



select a disc.

T heft“ Deter rent Feature

THEFTLOCK"" is designed to discourage thefl of your

radio. The feature works autornattcally by learnirig
a portion ol the Vehicle Identification hJumher (VIN). If
the radio ie moved to a different vehicle, it will not
operate and LOCKED will be displayed.

When the radio and vehicle are turned off, tfte blinking

red light indicafes thai THEFTLOCK^ Is armed.

With THEFTLOCfC^ activated, your radio will not operate

ii stolen.
