Fuel information button, Fuel range, Average fuel economy – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 208: Gm on life system, Instant fuel economy

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Usa the Fuel hfofmatiort bulton lo scroll through the
range, average fuel economy, instant fuel economy and

the Oil LIFe System^.

IF youf vehtde ia not equipped with the DtC steering

wheel control buttons you witi not bo able to display (he
fuel' linformatim.

Fuel Range

Press the fuel information button until RAt^G£ appears

tp display the ramairting distance yon can drive
without refueling. It’s based on Fuei econormy and the
fuel .remaining in the rank. The display will show LOW it
the Fuel level is low.

The Fuel economy data used to determine fuel range Is
an average ol necanl driving conditions. As your
driving conditions changen this data is gradually updated.

Fuel range cannot be reset.

Average Fuel Economy

Press the fuel information button until


appears in

the display. Averagfi tuai eco'^omy is how many
miles per gallon your vehicis


getting based on current

and past driving conditions.

Press and hold Ihe select button while AVG.ECOM Is

displayed, to reset the average fuel ecoriomy. Average
fuel economy wh|| (hen be calculated starting from
that point, li the average fuel economy is not reset. It
will be coTilinually updated oach Urns you drive.

Fuel Information Button

Press thg fual information button until INST appears In
Ihe display. Instant fuel economy is how many miles
per gallon your vehicle is a! the particular momeri't
in time. The In^r^nT h^ei economy cannot be reset.

GM on Life System

Press the fuel Information button until ENGINE OIL LIFE
appears in the display. Tbe GM Oil Life System
shows an estimate of the oil's remaining useful Fife. It
will show 100% when the system is reset afler an
oil char^ge. It will alert you to change yOur oil on e
schedule consistent with your driving conditions.

Always reset the engine oil life after and oil change. To
reset Ihe Oil Liie System press and hold the select
button while ENGINE OIL LIFE is displayed.

The DIG does not replace the need to maintain your
vehicle as recommended In the Marntenance Schedule
in this marrual. Also, the oil change reminder will not
detect dusty conditions or engine malfunctions that may
afiecl the oil. Also, the oil change reminder does net
measure how much oil you have in your engine. So. be
suns to check your oil leveE oFlen. See

Engine Oil on

psge 5^ 17,

instant Fuel Economy
