GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 345

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Refsr to the Truck-Catiftpfli Loading Inlorniatfon label in


ior diffiensions A and B as shown in ihe

following fllustratlen.

Use the rear edge o! the load floor ior rneasuiiement
purposes. The recommended location forlhe cargo

center oi gravity is at point C for the CWR, It i& tha point
where the mass of a body is concentrated andr ff

suspended at ihat polnl, would balance the front and rear.

Here is an example of proper Injck and camper match.

A. Camper Center o! Gravity

B. Recofnmended Center of Gravity Location Zone

The camper's center of gravity should tail within

lha center of gravity zone for yOur vehicle's cargo load.

You musl weigh any accessories or other equipment
that you add tn your vehicle. Then< subtract ihls
extra weight from the CWR, This &xtra weight may
shorten )he canter ol gravity zcme of your vehicle. Your
dealer can help you with this.

If your sNde-in camper and Its foad weighs less than the

CWR, Ihe center of gravity ?one lor your vehicle may
be larger^
