GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 120

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Ounng thg first 500 miles {B05 km) of vehicle use, start
Ihe vehicle moving in FiRSrr (I) gear. This ali&ws
ihe clutch componertts lo ^ear-ln properly.

FIRST (1): With the vehicle at a stop^ release the
brake, press the dutch pedal and shift into FIRST (1),
Then, slowly let up an the clutch pedal as you press Iho
accelerator pedak Only ctownshlft Inlo FIRST (1)
when Ihs vehicle has come to a complete step. If the
shift lever will not go into FIRST (1). put the lever
In NEUTRAL and Fet up on the clutch pedaJ to fully
engage the clutch. Press the clutch pedal again. Then,
shifi into FIRST {1).


i2)i With the vehicle a( a stop, release the

brake, press Ihe dutch pedal and shift jirto SECOND (2).

Then, slowly let up an the clutch pedal as you press

the accelerator pedal. With the vehicle moving, press the

dutch pedal and upshift into SECOND {2} from

FIRST (1) while applying light pressure to the right on

the shifter. Then, slowly Fet up an the cFutch pedal

as you press the accelerator pedal. If you come to a

complete stop and the shift lever will noi go Into

SECOND (2), put the (ever rn NEUTRAL and ie! up On
Ihe cluilch pedal to Fully engage the dutch. Press
the clutch poda! again. Then, shift inlo SECOND (2),

THIRD {3): Press the dutch pedal and upshift Into
THIRD ¡3), Then, slowly let up on the cFutcK pedal as

you press the acceJerator pedal,

FOURTH (4), FIFTH (S) and SIXTH (6); Upshift into the
higher forward gears the same way as you cfa

THIRD (3), Slowly let up on Ihe dutch pedal as you
press Ihe accelerator pedal.

NEUTRAL: Use ttifs position when you start or idle
your engine.

REVERSE (R): To back up, press the dutch pedaL

Wail lor Ihe vehicle to stop moving and then, shift
to REVERSE (R), Let up on the clutch slowly white
pressing tha accelerator padal. Also, use REVERSE (R),
along wilh Ihe parking brake, when turning off your
engine and perking your vehicle
