GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 328

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Whatev&r Ihs condiijDn — smooth fC&, packed, blowing
or loose snow —


with caution^

If you have traction assist, keep ihe system on. It will

improve your ability to accelefalfi when driving on a
slippery road. Bui you oan turn [be traction system oH It
your vehicte ever gels stuck in sand, mod, lOe or snow.


if You Ar& Stuck! in Sand, Mud, ice

or Snoiy orr

page 4-50.

Even though your vehicle has a traction

systern, you'H want to slow dowrii and adjust your driving

to the iioad conditions. See

Traction Assist System {TAS}

on page 4-9.

II you dort'l have a iraction system, accelarale gently.

Try not to break the gentle traction. If you accelerate loo
fast, the drive wheels will spin and polish the surface

uncfer the lines even more.

What’s tha worst Irpre for Ihts? ‘'Wet ice." Very cold
anow or Ice can be afick and hard to drive on. But wet
ice can bo even more trouble because It may otter
the feasi traction of all. You can get wet ice when ifs
aboul Ireezing {32‘‘F; 0“C) pnd freezing rain begins
(o fall. Try to avoid drivirig on wel ice uniil sail and sand
crews can gel there.
