Setting preset ptys (rds only) – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Setting Preset PTYs (RDS Only)

RD5 and DAB Messages



numb&red pushbuttons let you reium ю your

favorite PTYs. These buttons have factory PTY presets.
You oan


up to


PTYs (six FM1 and six FM2) by

pErforrr>ing the following steps:

Press BAND lo select FMl










Press the P-TVPE button. P-TYPE and the last
Esiecled PTY will ba displayed on the sqresn,

Select a category by luming the P-TYPE krvob.

Press and hold


of [he six r>uoibered

pushbuttons until you hear a beep. Whenever you
press that numbered pushbutton, the PTY you
set will return.

Flepeat the steps for each pushbutton.

ALERT!: Alert warns oi tocaE or national enrtergencles.
When an alerl announcemanl comes on the current

radio slDlion, ALERTI will appear on [he display. You will
hear the announcement, even if the volume is muted
or a compact tilsc Is playing. If the compact disc player
is playingr play will stop during the announcement.
You wHI not be able to turn off alert announcements.

ALERTI will rw


t bs affecled by tests of the emergency

broadcast system. This feature is not supported by
alt RDS stations.



}: If the current statron has a

message^ INFO will appear on the display. Press this
button to see the irtesaage. The message may display
ihe artist and song title, caH in phone numbers, elc-

1Г the whole message Is not displayed, parts of It

will appear every three seconds. To scroll through fha
itiessage at your Own Speed, press the INFO button

repeatedly, A new g^oup of words wiU appear or

the display with each press. Once the complete
message has been displayed, INFO will disappear from

the display until another new message Is received.

The old message car


displayed by pressing

the INFO button until a new message is received or a

dilteront station Is tuned to.
