Rear doors, Tailgate – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Rear Doors

Youf vehicle may be equipped vvilh a rear
iJcKir{a) ihal allows easier access lo ihe rear area of lhe
extended cab.



open a rear access

door fronn the outside, fiiST
open itie Iront door.
Then, use the handia

located or; the Iront edge

ot the rear access door

to open it

You must fully close a rear access door betora you can
close the front door,

To open a rear access
door irotTJ ibe inaide, the

front door must be opened
first. Then, use the

handta located on the
inside ot the rear access
door to Gpen il

If your vehicle is a Crew Cab®, you car; open your
doors from


Insitfe or outside. Your vehicle may af&o

have a feature which prevents children from opening
Ihe rear doors. See

Rear Door



(Crew Cabs) on page 2-

for more information*


You can open ihe latlgaie by lifting up on ils handle

v^/hile pulling Ihe tailgate toward yon.

To shut the tailgate I firmly push ill upward until il


Attar you put (he tailgate back up, pulHt back (awards
you to be sure It latches securely.
