Top strap anchor location – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Anchor tti? top strap to one of liie lollowing anchor
points. Be sure lo use an anchor point ¡otatod on The


side of the vehicle as the seating position

where ihQ child restraint iwill be piacad. Raise the head
restraint and route the top strao under ft.

Once vou have iha top strap aivihored, you'11 be ready
to secure the child testraint itself. Tighten the lop
strap when and as


child restraint manuFaclLiiner's

instructions say.

Top Strap Anchor Location

Right Front Passenger Position Top
Strap Anchor (All Models)

Vau'N flr^d the top strap anchor for the right front
passenger seat behind the seal, near Ihe lloor.

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