GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 164

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ThÎÈ Fealüfe aClow^ you ta use your high-beam
headlamps to signal a driver in front of you lhal you

want to pass. II wo-ifs even IF your headlamps are off

To use


pull Ihe turn signal lever lowajd you^

If your headlamps are off or on l□w-beam^ your
high'hoam headlamps will turn on, They'll stay on as long

as you hold the lever loward you and the high-beam
indicator or> Ihe instrument panel vrlil oome





Ihe lever (o turn the high-beam headlamps off.

Windshield Wipers


^ :


You control the windshield wipers by turning the band
wilh the wiper symbol on IL

For a single wiping cycle, turn the band lo mist. Hold il
[here unlil the wipers start, than let go. The wipers
will slop after one wipe. If you want more wipes, hold

the band on mist longer.

You can sel the wiper speed for a long or short delay

between wipes. This can be very useful In light rain
or snow. Turn the hand lo choose the delay lime. The
closer I


Ihe top of the lever, the shorter the delay.

Fiash-To-Pass Feature

For steady wiping al low speed, turn the band away
liom you to the first solid band past the delay settings.
position. For high-speed wiping, turn the band further,


the second solid band past the delay settings. To stop

Ihe wipers, move the band lo off position.

Be sure to clear ice and srtow from Ihe wiper blades
befora using them If friey're frozen to the windshield,
careluHy loosen or


haw them. It your blades do become

worn or damaged, gel new blades or blade inserts.

Windshield Washer

There ts a paddle marked with the windshield washer

symbol at the top of tha multilunctlon lever. To
spray washer fluid on the windshield, push the paddis.
The wjpers wNl ctear the window and then either
slop or return to your preset speed.

In freezing weather, donT use your washer
until the windshield Fs warmed- Otherwise the
washar fluid can form ice on the windshield^

blpchlng your vision.
