Pickup box [dentifrcation and fender marker lamps, Taillamps – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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4. If a CHMSJ. bufb is replaced, put the new bulb mtci

the socket and press it in until It Is tIghL

It a cargo lamp is replaced, put a new cargo lamp

bulb inlo the socket and press it in until It is
tight beiora turning the socket counterclockwise.

5. Put the bulb holder back plate iolo the lamp


6. Reinstall the lamp assembly and tighten the screws.

Pickup Box [dentifrcation and
Fender Marker Lamps

1. Reriiova the screws and iarnp assemhJy.

2. Unplug the lamp assembly harness

3. Gently pry (he Indiviicluai lamp frorrr ihe lanrip


4. Unplug the lamp.

6, Plug In a new lamp and snap it into the housing.

6. Reinstall the lamp housing.


1. open the tailgate.

2. Remove the (wo rear

lamp assembly screws
near the taitgato
latch and pult out the
lamp assembly.
