Doing your own service work, Adding equipment to the outside of your vehicle, Caution – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Doing Your Own Service Work

If you wani to do some of your own service woi'k, you'll
wani to use the proper service manuaL It tells you
much more about how to service your vehicle than this

manual can. To order the proper servrca manual,
see Service

PubüGations Orcfefing infon^mHon on

page 7-tO.

Your vehicle bas an air bag systam^ Before ademptrng
to do your own service work, see

Servicing Vouf Air

Bsg-Equipped Vehscfe on p¿ige i


You should keep a record wilh all parts receipts and Nsl
(he mileage and the date of any service work you
perform. See Part

E: liiainienance Record on page &-21.



You can be injured and your vehicle could be
damaged if you try to do service work on a
vehicle without knowing enough about it.

\ Be sure you have sufficient knowledge,

experience, the proper replacement parts
and tools before you attempt any vehicle
maintenance task.

CAUTIONi (Continued)

CAUTION; (Continued}


Be sure to use the proper nuts, bolts and

other fasteners. ''English'^ and "metric''
fasts lie rs can be easily confused. If you

use the wrong fasteners, parts can later
break or fall ofl^ You could be hurt.

Adding Equipment to the Outside of
Your Vehicle

Things you might add to ihe outside at your vehicle can

affect the airflow around it. This may cause wind
noise and affect windshield washer perfofmance. Check

With your dealer before adding equipment To Ihe
outside of your vehicJe.
