Select button, Die warnings and messages, Change engine oil – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

Page 215: Oil life reset, Low coolant level, Engine coolant hot

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background image

lí you accidenlally choose a language that you clon't



Lineeiatand, piiess and hold Ihe personaJization

button and (hg trip infomnation button al the same
lime. The OIC will begin serolling through the languages
in thgir particular language. English wllli be in English.
French will be In Freiich and so cin. When you see
(he language tha( you would like, release both buttons.
The Die will then display the information in the
language you chose.

Select Button

The select button is used to reset certain Functions and
lum off Or acknowledge messages on the DIG display.
The select button also toggJes through the opiions
available in each personalization menu. For example, this
button will reset the trip odometefSr lurr off the FUEL
LEVEL LOW message, and toggle through the languages
you can select the DtC to display information in.

Die Warnings and Messages

Warning messages are displayed or the DIC to notify
(he driver that the status of the vehicle has changed and
(hal some action may be needed by the driver lo
correct the condition. If there is more than one message
lhal needs lo be displayed they will appear one after
another. Some rirrossagea may no( require Immediate
action bul you should press the select bulton to
acknowledge that you received the message and dear il
ftom the display because they are morq urger^t. These

messages require action be [one thay can be removed

from the Die dJsplay. The loHowing are The possible

messages that can be displayed and some Informatibn

otjout them..


This message is displayed when the engirre oil needs lo

be changed^

When you change ihe engine oiL be sure to reset the
CHANGE ENGINE OIL message. See "Engine OH.
When lo Change" under Eng-me


orr page S-tT,


This message will appear on the display lor about 10

seconds after resetting fhe change engine oil message.


If the engine coolant level is low, this message will
appear on the DfC. Adding coolanr will clear the


IT the Cooling system temperature gels hot. this message

will appear in the DIC. Stop (he vehiefe and Гет the

engine idle In PARK {P) to allow ihe coolant to reach a
safe température. This message will dear when the

coolant temperature drops to safe operating

