Automatic locking, Automatic unlocking – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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background image

Prebs the personalization button until AUTOMATIC

LOCKING appears in the display. To select your
pgTsonglization for automatic tocKing, press the select


displayed On the

DiC. Pressing the select button will scroll ihiough (he
toHowing choices:

LOCK DOORS OUT OF PARK (dfftautt): The doora
will lock when the vehicle Is shifted out of PARK (P).

LOCK DOORS MANUALLV: The doors will not
be locked automaticaHy.

LOCK DOORS WITH SPEED; The doors will loclt

when the vehicle speed is above e mph (13 km/h) for
three seconds.

Chiwse one of the three options and press the
psjsonalization button while it is displayed on the DIC to
select It and move on to the nest feature. For more
information on automaliq door Icvcks


AulCirt^iic Doors Locks^

Automatic Locking

Press the personalizalion button unlil AUTOMATIC
UNLOCKING appears in the dispfay. To select
your personalizaliDn for automatic unlockingK press Ihe
select butlou while AUTOMATIC UNLOCKING is

displayed cm Ihe DIC. Pressing the select button will

scroll through Ihe folfowing choices:





(default): All of the doors will

unlock wh&n the vehicle is shittecf Inio PARK (p),

UNLOCK ALL AT KEY OUT: AH of the doors vyill
unlock whgn the key is taken out of the ignition.

UNLOCK DOORS MANUALLY: The doors wilt not be
uritooked automalicalJy.

UNLOCK DRIVER IN PARK: The driver s door wilt be
unlocked when ihe vehicle is shifted in PARK (P).

Choose one of the four options and press ihe
personaliiation button while It Is displayed on the DIC to
select it and move on to the nent feature. For more
infonnalion on aulomalic door locks see


Auiomatfc CfoorLociiSr

Automatic Unlocking
