Parking on hills – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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Parking on Hills

You really should not ypur vehiclOi with 3
trailer attached, on з hj|L If something goes
wrongH your rig could start to move. People
can be injurod, and both your vehicle and the
trailer can be damagedь

But ¡1 you e^er have to parK your rig on a hillr here's

how to do it:

1. Apply your regular braKes, but tianT shift into

PARK (P) yet lor an automatic tranamisalon, or into

gear for a manual transmission.

2. Have someone place ertocka urtcfer the trailer


3. When the wheei ohockEi are in place, release the

regular brakes unifl the chocks absorb the load.

4. Reapply the regular brakes. Then apply your

parking brake and shift into PARK (P) lor an
automalic transmission, or REVERSE (R) for a
manual Iran emission.

5. IE you have a four’Wheel’drive vehicle, be sure the

transfer case is in a drive gear and not in


6. Release the regular brakes.

К tan be t^angerous to get out of your vehicle if
the shift lever is not fully in


{P} with the

parking brake Tirmly set. Vour vehicle can rnlt.

If you have left the engine running, the vehicle
can move sudderrly. You or others could be
Injured. To be sure your vehicle won't move,
even when you're on fairly level ground, use the
steps that follow.

Afways put the shift lever fully In PARK (P) with
the parking brake firmly set.

If the transfer сазе on four-wheel drive vehicles
is in NEUTRAL, your vehicle will be free to rdtl,
even if your shift lever is in PARK fP), £o, be
sure the transfer case is In a drive gear ^ not in
