Canadian roadside assistance, Courtesy transportation – GMC 2003 Sierra User Manual

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• Vehicle IdenUlication Number ^VINJ

• Mamfl and home address

• Telephone number and localiort From which you are


• Location, fícense plate number and ooJor of your

GMC truck

• Mileage of vehicle and description ot problem

Roadside Assistance is availBbte 24 hours a day^ 7 days

a week, 365 days a year, inqtuding weekends and

holidays. Shüuid you have any questions about roadside



tar>cB, call Ihe GMC Roadside Asstslance Centei

or Contact your dealer.


Assistance is not


ot or included in the

Coverage provided

by ihe



Umiiect Wsdanty.

GMC reserves the right to mefre any changes or

disconiinue the Roadside Assisishce pfogram at

anytime withoLit noiificsiion.

Canadian Roadside Assistance

Vehicles purchased in Canada have an extensive
Roacfside Assistance program accessible from anywhere
in Canada or the United Slates. Please refer to Ihe

Warranty and Owner Assistance Infornr^ation book.

Vour Roacfsjílg Assistance represa niative will ask for Ihe
foltowing information when your call is received:

GMC has always exemplified qualily ar>d value in ils
ottering et motor vehicles, To enhance your ownership

experience, we and our participatlnig dealers are

proud lo otter Courtesy Transportation, a cuslomar
support prograrr; for new vghides.

The Courtesy Transportatton program Is offered to retail

purchase/lease customers In conjunctioo with Ihe
Bumper-lo-Bumper coverage provided by the New

Vehiole Limitad Warranty, Sevarflt trensportatlon options
are avallabJe when warraniy repairs are required. This will

reduce your inconvenignee during warranty repairs.

Plan Ahead When Possible

When your vehicle requires warranty service, you
should contact your dealer and request an appoinimgnb
By scheduling a sorvioe appointment arrd advising
youT service consultani ol your iransportalion needs,

your dealer can help minimize your inconvenience.

If your vehicle cannot be scheduled into the service
deportment immediateJy, keep dnving it Until it can be
scheduled tot service, unless, ol course, ihe pnobletn is
safety—related. If ft is, pleg&e call your dealership, Jel
them know ihis. and ask for insirucUons.

If the dealer requests that you simply drop the vehicle off
For service, you are urged lo do so as early in the work
day as possible to aflow for the same clay repair.

Courtesy Transportation
